

Juno is an Innovative 回收 Technology

朱诺号技术, Georgia-Pacific is diverting trash from landfills and recovering valuable materials for recycling. John Mulcahy explains how this innovation works and why paper recycling is important.  

Are Address Window Envelopes Recyclable?

Are address window envelopes recyclable? 是的! You don’t even have to remove the plastic window. During the repulping process, it gets filtered out.

Let’s Set the Record Straight. Pizza Boxes are Recyclable.

We’re aiming to answer a common question that causes a lot of confusion across the United States: Are pizza boxes recyclable? We’re here to set the record straight. 

十大菠菜软件 Opposes Current Massachusetts 回收 Proposals

十大菠菜软件 opposes one-size-fits-all policies to address recycling in Massachusetts. Current proposals do not reflect the complexities of the state’s recycling system. We encourage Massachusetts lawmakers to take a more solution-oriented approach and avoid measures that penalize the forest products…

Is the 纸 Industry Sustainable? 

People want to know, is the paper industry really sustainable? 答案是肯定的! Your essential paper products are sustainable. The paper industry is a leader in sustainability, taking steps to reduce GHG emissions, increase energy efficiency and advance sustainable forest management.   …

What is Extended Producer Responsibility

Extended Producer Responsibility is a waste management strategy that is getting a lot of attention in the U.S., mostly at the state level. The paper industry is already a responsible producer and has a track record of success. We recycle nearly 75% more paper today than we did in 1990. 潜水中……


Cardboard is a highly recyclable material that’s widely accepted for recycling in recycling programs across the U.S. By choosing to recycle cardboard, we can all play a role in creating a more sustainable future. 

America Recycles Week Graphic 2

Celebrate America Recycles Week by downloading one of our graphics to help share the paper recycling success story.

America Recycles Week 2022 Graphic 1

Celebrate America Recycles Week by downloading one of our graphics to help share the paper recycling success story.


Most paperboard can be recycled. 是的, that means cereal boxes, bakery boxes, candy boxes, and much more. Keep your paperboard packaging clean and dry and place it in the recycling bin so it can be turned into new paper products. 


Always think before you shred. Shredded paper is less likely to be recycled than sheets of paper because the small shreds of paper can get lost in collection and processing. The smaller the paper is, the less likely it is to get recycled. A good rule of thumb is to only shred paper containing…

How Do You Recycle Shredded 纸?

Can you recycle shredded paper? 是的, but shredding it makes the paper less likely to be recycled if small bits of paper aren't properly contained. Only shred things with sensitive information to protect your privacy.